Secondary College of Languages

Connection Diversity Excellence

Telephone02 7814 2115

Subject Acceleration

At the Secondary College of Languages (SCL), acceleration is intended for Year 9 students who have achieved all Years 9 and 10 outcomes by the end of the Year 9 school year. These students will have also been identified as being high potential and gifted.

The SCL’s Acceleration Policy has been developed to accommodate the learning needs of students who demonstrate high potential and advanced gifts and talents in their language course. The policy is underpinned by the NSW Department of Education’s High Potential and Gifted Education Policy, which describes a framework to develop the talent of high potential and gifted students and provides advice to implement effective learning and teaching practices for these students.

Download and read our Acceleration Policy below:

Information for parents and carers

We have summarised the policy information in an easy to digest PowerPoint

All students applying for acceleration in a Language course must complete the Application for Acceleration form.

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