Secondary College of Languages

Connection Diversity Excellence

Telephone02 7814 2115

Term 1 update

Principal's Message

Today is the last Saturday of Term 1 at the Saturday School of Community Languages! All our students have had a wonderful start to the year, full of rich language learning experiences. It has been fantastic to see students connecting culturally and linguistically with their teachers and peers.

Term 1 update

Our school has had more than 1,600 new enrolments this term, which brings our total number of students to over 3,200.

All our students received an enrolment pack at the start of the year, which included a tote bag, a notebook and a student handbook. The student handbook contains important information about our school and how we operate, and provides students and families with all essential contact details.

This term we were very excited to commence a trial for Stage 3 (Year 5 and 6) classes in Italian, Hindi and Korean. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to have continuity in their language studies from Year 5 all the way to Year 12.

Throughout the term, all our teachers have engaged in quality professional development that supports student’s language learning. This Saturday, Year 12 teachers are coming together from across all our 14 centres and from all of our 25 languages to collaborate on the development of Trial HSC papers for 2021.

Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

Saturday School of Community Languages has been developing a Strategic Improvement Plan for 2021-2024 to improve learning outcomes and support the achievement and growth of all students. The plan will ensure continuous improvement in learning, teaching and leading.

The strategic direction focus areas for our school have been determined after a rigorous evaluation process which took place in 2020 and 2021. This process involved consultations with staff, students and the wider community.

Strategic direction 1: Student growth and attainment

Our school’s purpose is to ensure students grow in their language learning and intercultural understanding through engaging and explicit teaching that is research-informed and consistent across languages, years and centres. As part of this strategic direction, our staff will evaluate their effectiveness and adapt their practice through quality, targeted, high-impact professional learning and using student assessment data to inform practice.

Over the next four years we will be focusing on 2 main initiatives for this strategic direction.

  • Improving effective classroom practice through explicit teaching, formative assessment processes and expertise in languages pedagogies.
  • Using data to inform teaching practice and improve student achievement and growth.

Strategic direction 2: Quality practices and engagement

Our consultation process identified the need for greater teacher collaboration and sharing. As part of this strategic direction, all our staff will develop a practical understanding of the relevant pedagogies to improve teaching practices and support high expectations and the learning progress and achievements of all students. This will be achieved through targeted professional learning and by working within and across centres and languages.

Over the next four years we will be focusing on 2 main initiatives for this strategic direction.

  • Implementing collaborative and effectively planned teacher professional learning practices that are aligned with student achievement and growth.
  • Developing a whole-school approach to student wellbeing and engagement where there is a collective responsibility for student learning and success.

Community consultation

Parents and carers are invited to provide feedback on our new Strategic Improvement Plan. Your insight and opinions are valued and very much appreciated. All responses are anonymous and confidential.

Feedback can be provided via Microsoft Form.

Follow us

Stay up-to-date with all things SSCL by following us on social media.

Facebook:      @SSCLNSW
Instagram:     @SSCLNSW
Twitter:           @SSCLNSW

See you next term!

Thank you for all your support in ensuring your child continues with their language studies at the Saturday School of Community Languages. We wish you a wonderful holiday break and look forward to seeing all students back in class on Saturday 24 April 2021 – ready to embrace another exciting term!